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Key: QB-679
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Won't Fix
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Roger Perkins
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Hover box in step status incorrectly displayed in IE if box is initially displayed off-screen

Created: 13/Oct/10 11:57 AM   Updated: 17/Oct/10 08:23 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 3.0.12
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
File Attachments: None
Image Attachments:

1. Narrow.jpg
(10 kb)

 Description  « Hide
So in the new wide display step status view I have 2.5x my desktop width of steps to view. If I hover over the name of a step that's not on the screen initially (i.e. I need to scroll to see it) then the box that appears is shrunk to a useless size. This seems to be fine in Chrome however.

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Change by Roger Perkins [13/Oct/10 11:57 AM]
Field Original Value New Value
Attachment Narrow.jpg [ 10224 ]

Robin Shen [13/Oct/10 02:46 PM]
We decide not to fix this issue since it is a IE7 bug and is hard to fix. The popup window displays correctly in IE8, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Instead, we will fix issue QB-678 to make step view narrower.

Change by Robin Shen [13/Oct/10 02:46 PM]
Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
Resolution Won't Fix [ 2 ]

Roger Perkins [13/Oct/10 03:05 PM]
This was on IE8 and IE9 Beta. But if you fix 678 then I don't care ;)

Robin Shen [14/Oct/10 12:07 AM]
I tested on my IE8 and it did not exhibit this behavior. It only appears when I run IE8 with IE7 compatible mode. What is your IE8 build version?

Robin Shen [14/Oct/10 09:49 AM]
Probably you've checked "compatibility view" in IE. The page will display correctly if this option is unchecked.

Roger Perkins [14/Oct/10 09:52 AM]
Isn't "compatability view" the default for all intranet sites in IE? I seem to recall when it was first announced in IE8 that this was the case, therefore it'll be on for everyone who uses IE.

Robin Shen [14/Oct/10 11:43 AM]
Either on my Win7 box, or in my WinXP box (upgrade to IE8 recently), this compatibility view is not default.

Roger Perkins [14/Oct/10 11:59 AM]
It should be according to MS.


From the article:

Compatibility View and the Enterprise
 A large number of line-of-business websites are Internet Explorer 7 capable today. In order to preserve compatibility, Internet Explorer 8 ships with smart defaults based on zone evaluation. In the default state, all sites on the public internet display in Internet Explorer 8 Standards mode (Compatibility View off) and all intranet websites display in Internet Explorer 7 Standards mode (Compatibility View on).

Let's look at some examples.

If you navigate to sites on the Internet like www.msn.com and www.live.com, Compatibility View is off by default. Internet Explorer 8 identifies itself with a User Agent string of '8', Version Vector of '8' and displays webpages that trigger standards mode in Internet Explorer 8 Standards mode. The same is also true if you navigate by IP address, such as As Internet Explorer can't tell offhand whether the IP address is internal or external, it assumes the latter. Use Compatibility View to fix problems with websites in this category just like you used to use the Emulate IE7 button.

 If you navigate to sites on your local intranet like http://myPortal and http://sharepoint/sites/mySite, Internet Explorer 8 identifies itself with a User Agent string of '7', Version Vector of '7', and displays webpages that trigger standards mode in Internet Explorer 7 Standards mode. This combination allows webpages that worked correctly in Internet Explorer 7 to continue to do so in IE8.

 Just for completeness, it's also worth noting that local pages such as 'C:\Temp\MyWebPage.htm' display in Internet Explorer 8 mode (Compatibility View off) by default.

Robin Shen [14/Oct/10 01:02 PM]
Thanks for this info. Maybe that is because we did not set up any zone recognized as intranet.

Roger Perkins [14/Oct/10 01:03 PM]
Yeah, that's most likely it. I've turned off compatability mode for Intranet here and it works like the other browsers do now too.

Roger Perkins [15/Oct/10 11:01 AM]
So if I turn compatability mode off, then the "script help" icons no longer work. They don't display a tooltip when you hover over them in IE and you can't click on them to get the help. Turning compatability mode back on for the intranet fixes the issue for me.

Robin Shen [15/Oct/10 11:21 AM]
The script help icon works in both case at my side. Is this happening for all input fields?

Roger Perkins [15/Oct/10 11:28 AM]
I've only tried it on the form to edit the build notification template. Neither boxes worked for me there in IE9 Beta (not tried IE8)

Robin Shen [17/Oct/10 08:23 AM]
This does exist in IE9 beta, and has now been fixed in 3.0.14