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Key: QB-3838
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Clément H
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Display all promotion target builds in build detail page

Created: 01/Mar/22 01:34 PM   Updated: 21/Jan/23 01:15 PM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 12.0.0
Fix Version/s: 13.0.0, 13.0.2

Original Estimate: 2 weeks Remaining Estimate: 2 weeks Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: Windows 10

 Description  « Hide

For now, we can only see one promotion per build (in the build result gadget as well as in the build itself).
The last promotion overrides the previous one in the build view and the gadget.

It would be nice to be able to see all the promotions of a finished build at a glance.
It could take the form of a drop-down menu, or, better, promotions could be displayed next to each other.

Could it be considered by your team for a future update please? It would make our life easier as we use multi promotion builds a lot and can't access them esaily.

Thank you,

Clément H

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Robin Shen [09/Jan/23 04:42 AM]
Build pipeline page will still show latest promotion target builds as otherwise the pipleline view will be tree view which is difficult to organize