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Key: QB-2748
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Unassigned
Reporter: QC Games
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Add conditions to "Auto Promote" in promotions

Created: 24/Jun/16 01:45 PM   Updated: 13/Jan/17 02:02 PM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 6.1.17
Fix Version/s: 7.0.0

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: Any

 Description  « Hide
We have several pipelines set up where we sometimes want a configuration to auto-promote based on a variable, but would also like users to be able to promote that configuration manually. Currently we end up duplicating the promotion, once with "Auto Promote" checked and a build condition that requires a variable to be set, and once without "Auto Promote" and no build condition (other than a successful build). This leads to errors where we forget to update both promotions (to add a new variable, for example) and confusion for users when they see two similar promotions available.

It would be nice if "Auto Promote" had conditions attached to it similar to the "Execute Condition" on steps where we could use a script, a variable, or other similar conditions to determine whether or not to auto-promote. This would allow us to use the same promotion for both cases and avoid duplicating them.

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Robin Shen [01/Dec/16 07:55 AM]
The promote condition can serve this purpose.

QC Games [01/Dec/16 03:18 PM]
How would you do this as a condition? Here's an example of how we have it set up:

ConfigOne has a promotion PromoteToTwo that is set to auto promote to ConfigTwo, with a promotion condition of "ConfigOne builds successfully" and "The 'AutoPromote' variable is true." ConfigOne is kicked off manually and AutoPromote is a prompted checkbox variable.

The problem is that if the user does not select AutoPromote when kicking off ConfigOne, the promote condition for PromoteToTwo is false so it cannot be promoted, even manually. The only way around this that I have found is to create a copy of the promotion that only checks if the build i successful.

Is there a way to create a condition that would work for both cases? If the Auto PRomote checkbox itself had conditions, I could just check for the "AutoPromote" variable there and would only need one promotion.

Robin Shen [02/Dec/16 12:30 AM]
I did not realize you want to make the promotion button visible for manual triggering in the same time. I agree that a auto-promote condition will make sense. Will get it implemented in QB7 to be released in the end of this month.