If you were logged in you would be able to see more operations.
Created: 15/May/15 07:27 PM
Updated: 15/May/15 07:32 PM
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It would be nice to preserve whitespace in log messages to allow aligned text in build output. I believe this simply requires the CSS rule white-space: pre to be added to the .log-entry class.
To test:
create a Execute Script step with:
logger.info('white space')
and compare the output in the web interface with the log file saved as a text file.
It would be nice to preserve whitespace in log messages to allow aligned text in build output. I believe this simply requires the CSS rule white-space: pre to be added to the .log-entry class.
To test:
create a Execute Script step with:
logger.info('white space')
and compare the output in the web interface with the log file saved as a text file. |
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logger.info('white space')