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Key: QB-1928
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Vartika Paul
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Add a mechanism to sync user information from LDAP SIDE BASED ON GROUP NAME

Created: 04/Feb/14 01:26 AM   Updated: 04/Feb/14 01:26 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: All environments

 Description  « Hide
When we actually create a group with the same name in Quickbuild as the LDAP Group... Quickbuild performs a match between the users which are present in quickbuild to the users which are a part of the Active directory (The LDAP Group) and work accordingly for sending notifications etc...
To make it little more simple ..
Problem 1 : A new QUICKBUILD GROUP (with the same name as the LDAP Group(PDL)) was created -> All the Users of the new group will have access and will get notifications from quickbuild if users have earlier logged on to quickbuild and they exist in quickbuild
Problem 2: The LDAP GROUP (PDL) Admin modifies the LDAP GROUP (removes/adds new users) -> Quickbuild will only pick up the user level changes if the user logs into quickbuild after the modification to the LDAP Group is being made ..or someone has to manually remove the users

In Quickbuild, when a LDAP Mapped group is used as a Notification target.. the user group relation is only queried from LDAP and when user logs into QB ..this should not be the case...
To add a mechanism to sync user information from LDAP side based on group name, which is quite different rom current mechanism of synching group information based on user name.

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