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Key: QB-150
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Don Ross
Votes: 1
Watchers: 1

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Enable admin to export a configuration for import to another QuickBuild instance

Created: 02/Nov/06 03:06 PM   Updated: 10/Mar/15 11:28 PM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 3.1.16

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
I have a master QuickBuild installation where I do most of my development and testing of QuickBuild configurations. Once I get a configuration the way I like it, I then want to replicate the configuration to slave installations where the actual builds are being performed. Currently, the only way to do this is (I think) to back up the master database and restore it to the slaves. Unfortunately, this wipes out the build history on the slaves, as well as my machine-specific settings (such as the paths to the working and publish directories, which are different on each host) *and* requires QuickBuild on the slave be restarted.

What I am asking for is the ability to export a single configuration (and, optionally, its children if any) to an XML file.
Then, the ability to import the contents of an XML file into a new configuration, or to overwrite (update) an existing configuration without erasing the build history for that configuration.


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Robin Shen [11/Jan/11 01:31 AM]
This is now possible by:
1. upgrade to 3.1.16.
2. set up a maintenance configuration to execute step "maintenance/sync configurations"
3. run the maintenance configuration.

Don Ross [18/May/11 02:43 PM]
Actually, the advent of automatic build distribution to slaves obviates the need for this, but thanks anyhow.

Don Ross [10/Mar/15 05:44 PM]
I recently found an instance where the sync configurations doesn't work. I implemented a full demo using the latest bleeding-edge version (6.0.7). However, after seeing some of the issues and discussion, I wanted to try the latest stable version, 5.1.43. However, I am not able to use sync configurations, or backup/restore, to migrate my configurations to the earlier version. Ability to export/import configurations as XML, I could do this (recognizing I might have to tweak the XML a little in transit due to the version change).

Another example of usefulness of this utility would be that I could export sample configurations for upload to this site to share techniques with other users.
Or, to migrate configurations from one server to another when there is a firewall between them.

Please consider re-opening this issue.

Robin Shen [10/Mar/15 11:28 PM]
Sync configurations need to be done between servers with same version as migration is not handled. The reason is that often migration needs to be take whole database into account (for instance some definitions removed from configuration to plugin setting, etc.). If you want to export/import configurations between different versions, please upgrade one of them to on same version, then use the sync configurations step to do the job.