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Key: QB-2529
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Benoit Maury-Bouet
Votes: 1
Watchers: 2

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Allow merge with changelist to be run by any user

Created: 01/Sep/15 08:36 AM   Updated: 22/Dec/15 09:44 AM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 6.1.0

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

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Dear all,

So let me explain the issue we had, as an admin I tried to launch a build with a shelved change from another developper.
But the result didn't had the developper changes after investigating a bit I found these lines :

14:54:43,039 DEBUG - Executing command: p4 -p XXXXX:1842 -u bin-mtp -P ****** changes -s shelved -u ZZZZZZ

14:54:43,059 DEBUG - Change 5729 on 2014/07/24 by ...
14:54:43,067 WARN - Shelve change '19949' ignored as it does not contain any shelved files.

The warn is triggered because I asked for 19949 to be unshelved but it was shelved by someone else so : changes -s shelved -u ZZZZZZ
didn't display it.

Can we have a checkbox mode to allow users to get a shelve from anybody ?


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Robin Shen [01/Sep/15 10:46 PM]
This is what shelve support is supposed to do, it only runs your own shelved changes to verify your own modifications.

Benoit Maury-Bouet [02/Sep/15 01:51 PM]
Hi Robin,

I totally understand that, but I think it would be a nice feature to have for admins (if they need to retrigger a build outside of work ours, or when someone is out of the office but shelved his modifications before leaving)
Also being able to get 2 shelves from 2 different users to check if they are "compatible" could be another nice feature.