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Key: QB-632
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Unassigned
Reporter: Alexey Shumkin
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Proof build for SVN does not retrieve local changes if SVN WC URL contains "+" (plus sign)

Created: 21/Sep/10 09:49 AM   Updated: 23/Sep/10 05:40 PM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 3.0.5
Fix Version/s: 3.0.6

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Windows XP - QB user agent
Windows 2003 Server R2 - QB server

 Description  « Hide
Assume we have SVN repo

Set up Qb config to use this repository with proof build support

Local copy is checked out from URL "http://server/svn/project+sign-name" to some local folder

Suppose, code in repository fails to build. Fix this error in local copy and try to make proof build.
But build fails
Debug log contains
13:22:26,778 [collect_local_change@Zapped:8821] DEBUG - ***** MODIFY: /project sign-name/<file_fix_error>
"project sign-name" does not correspond our repo name "project+sign-name"

Workaround is to checkout local copy from SVN URL "http://server/svn/project%2bsign-name" , i.e. replace "+" with %2b (URL encoding)

I guess, as far QB uses SVN and svn client understands "+" (plus sign) without url encoding so QB have to do it too
I don't know how other VCSs work with "+', but with SVN URL http://server/svn/project+sign-name is more readable then http://server/svn/project%2bsign-name

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Alexey Shumkin [23/Sep/10 05:40 PM]
Confirm: "Fixed"

Alexey Shumkin [22/Sep/10 04:57 PM]
Furthermore, if "project+sign-name" is a part of checked out tree and had merges, switching SVN WC to URL "http://server/svn/project%2bsign-name" leads to breaking SVN commits with message "svn: A MERGE response for '/svn/project+sign-name/<filename>' is
not a child of the destination ('/svn/project%2bsign-name)"
that`s annoying