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Key: QB-1824
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Unassigned
Reporter: productivity
Votes: 0
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QuickBuild should create a temporary batch file/shell script even for a single line command

Created: 24/Oct/13 06:01 PM   Updated: 23/Dec/14 10:34 PM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 5.0.39
Fix Version/s: 5.1.0-rc4, 5.1.0

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
Currently, the behavior of the "Shell/Batch command" is different when executing a single command line (which AFAIK, uses the Java ProcessBuilder) than when executing multiple line commands (which actually creates a temporary batch or shell file that is interpreted directly by the console/terminal). I believe that in both cases, the behavior should be the same and they should both create a temporary batch/shell file for interpretation by the shell.

See http://forum.pmease.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2876 for more details and for an example of the kind of problem this issue can bring.

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Alexey Shumkin [23/Dec/14 10:34 PM]
Changed behavior have broken shell scripts which contain non-Latin characters.
Now, encoding of an shell script is undefined for me and I could not even discover what encoding they now have.

In examples:
I have single line shell script which is run on Windows agent
  curl http://hostname/path/to/mantis -d <variable1> -d <variable2>
where <variable1> is a string on Russian (in my case; Windows-1251 encoding)

I've run it on 5.0.41 (and I've just checked it on 5.0.42) - it works as it was expected.
After upgrade to 5.1.0 <variable1> now have unknown and undiscoverable encoding, so I even cannot specify its encoding.

P.S. I've checked multiline script on 5.0.41/42 - it's "broken", too
P.P.S. Unfortunately, I've discovered this problem after several months after upgrade to 5.1.x, so downgrade is not an option

Change by PMEase JIRA Administrator [21/Nov/13 04:04 AM]
Fix Version/s 5.1.0 [ 11483 ]

Change by PMEase JIRA Administrator [20/Nov/13 02:02 AM]
Fix Version/s 5.1.0-rc4 [ 11482 ]

Change by PMEase JIRA Administrator [20/Nov/13 02:01 AM]
Field Original Value New Value
Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
Assignee Robin Shine [ robinshine ]
Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]