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[QB-905] Notifications and auditing for build recommendations
Created: 09/May/11  Updated: 12/Sep/11

Status: Open
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 3.1.38
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Improvement Priority: Minor
Reporter: Robin Shen Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown

I would like to be able send notifications when a build is recommended and would like an audit trail of who recommended the build. While I realize this could be implemented with promotions, that would result in excessive disk space usage since that would mean promoting all the artifacts.

We currently promote our builds into multiple environments. For instance, after a build is recommended, it is promoted to the QA environment. From there it can be promoted to UAT and then Production. These promotions trigger deployment activities in their configurations.

At each step, a build must be recommended before it can be promoted. This would mean 8 configurations to manage instead of four and the promotion chain would be harder to read on the dashboard. A much simpler implementation would to be to allow notification and auditing on the recommendations.

An even better thing would to be to allow you to define multiple "recommendations" the way you define promotions or notifications. This would allow different groups to make their recommendations. You could have a Dev recommendation and a QA recommendation, for instance.

Comment by Norman Garfinkle [ 12/Sep/11 04:50 PM ]
I too would like to be able to notify upon recommend/unrecommed of a build. Often, the organization intended to promote the build (e.g. deploy it) is not the same as the organization that performs the builds. The organization performing the promote/deploy really wants to be notified at recommend time, when the promotion becomes possible.
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