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Key: QB-780
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: ChangSeop LEE
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Can't start useragent

Created: 23/Dec/10 08:18 AM   Updated: 31/Aug/11 03:27 AM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 3.1.11
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: Windows XP service pack 2

 Description  « Hide
Useragent doesn't start with below error message

J:\useragent\bin>agent.bat console
'echo console|findstr "^console$ ^start$ ^pause$ ^resume$ ^stop$ ^restart$ ^inst
all$ ^remove"' is not a internal or external command, not a executable program or a batch file
Usage: agent.bat { console : start : pause : resume : stop : restart : install :
remove }
press any key to continue...

I translated Korean error message to English so some statement could be different with correct English error message

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Robin Shen [27/Dec/10 12:18 AM]
Merry X'mas and happy new year too, :)

Thanks for the test and I believe it is a JSW issue now. We will submit this issue to JSW support and will get back to you as soon as there is a response.

ChangSeop LEE [27/Dec/10 12:13 AM]
Merry Christmas~:-)

I'm sorry but I got the same results...:-(

I:\wrapper-windows-x86-32-3.5.7\wrapper-windows-x86-32-3.5.7\bin>TestWrapperCommand.bat console
'echo console|findstr "^console$ ^start$ ^pause$ ^resume$ ^stop$ ^restart$ ^install$ ^remove$"' is n
ot recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Unknown command: console
Usage: TestWrapperCommand.bat [ console {JavaAppArgs} : start : pause : resume : stop : restart : in
stall {JavaAppArgs} : update {JavaAppArgs} : remove ]
Press any key to continue . . .

Robin Shen [24/Dec/10 01:58 AM]
Looks like this is a JSW (a third party service wrapper tool used by QuickBuild) issue. To verify, please download latest JSW package here:

Then extract it to a directory under "J:" , and run below command in the installation directory:
bin\TestWrapperCommand.bat console

If it still reports the same error, we will contact JSW support to see if there is a workaround.

ChangSeop LEE [24/Dec/10 01:31 AM]
Below is test results

I:\00_GT-S5830_Cooper\useragent\useragent\bin>chcp 437
Active code page: 437
I:\00_GT-S5830_Cooper\useragent\useragent\bin>agent.bat console
'echo console|findstr "^console$ ^start$ ^pause$ ^resume$ ^stop$ ^restart$ ^install$ ^remove"' is no
t recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Usage: agent.bat { console : start : pause : resume : stop : restart : install : remove }
Press any key to continue . . .

Robin Shen [24/Dec/10 12:35 AM]
To narrow down the problem, can you please change the locale and language setting to US-English temporarily to see if the problem still exists?

ChangSeop LEE [24/Dec/10 12:19 AM]
We have many XP machines with the same problem.
Can you recommend some commands to test the machines?

Robin Shen [23/Dec/10 10:24 AM]
This is odd. Does this problem exist on other XP machines with Korean locale, or just this particular machine?