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Key: QB-4051
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Incomplete
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: rani dharne
Votes: 0
Watchers: 2

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Backup getting stuck while migration of Quickbuild

Created: 20/Dec/23 09:18 AM   Updated: 22/Jan/25 11:25 PM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 12.0.12
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: 2 weeks Remaining Estimate: 2 weeks Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: Production

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Hi ,

We are in planning of migrating our two Quickbuilds to latest version from 12.0.12 and 8.0.28.
so we are in process of backing up the databases but the backups are getting stuck in middle.
could you please help us what could be the issue.
Please let me know if you need more information.

Rani Dharne

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Robin Shen [31/Jan/24 12:01 AM]
Hi Rani,

I am normally available from 9:00AM to 10:00PM at timezone of GMT+8. Please arrange the online session.

rani dharne [30/Jan/24 10:50 AM]
Hi Robin,

Please let us know your availability for screen share as when we try to take backup of QB , it gets stuck in middle.

Robin Shen [23/Jan/24 11:39 PM]
You may set up a new QB instance, and restore with below command:

<QB new instance install dir>/bin/restore.sh /path/to/backup.zip

rani dharne [23/Jan/24 03:10 PM]
the backup is in xml file format.
please confirm restore steps for daily backup

Robin Shen [23/Jan/24 01:36 PM]
You mentioned that backup at QB side can complete successfully. Can you please restore this backup to a new QB instance to check if all the data is available and correct?

rani dharne [23/Jan/24 10:38 AM]
Hi Robin,

We have tried default vacuumcommand on Quickbuild previously but it has caused the database inconsistency issues.

Robin Shen [16/Jan/24 02:09 PM]
Then why do you think it is failed? The large size showing at PGSQL side may be due to obsolete LOBS, which will not be included in QB's backup zip. You may try to clean the obsolete LOBS at PGSQL side with the "vacuum" tool.

With QB12, it uses BYTEA instead of LOB which will no longer cause this issue.

rani dharne [16/Jan/24 02:02 PM]
Hi Robin,

It is showing size in PGSQL server.
and there are no errors in the console log while doing backup from application web console.

Robin Shen [16/Jan/24 01:57 PM]
> is showing up as more then 150 GB

Where it is showing up this size? And are there any errors printed in console log?

rani dharne [16/Jan/24 09:28 AM]
Hi Robin,

We are able to run backup through the application database backup option but the database size is showing up as more then 150 GB while the application backup zip file gets created is only 18.8 MB.
The backup is failing for PGSQL database.

Robin Shen [04/Jan/24 11:59 PM]
Another approach is not create a network share from your new QB machine pointing to current global storage directory, and configure global working directory property of new QB instance to use that network share.

Robin Shen [04/Jan/24 11:57 PM]
Hi Rani,

This will only restore the database. You will also need copy over all contents under the global storage directory (can be configured via system setting) from your current QB machine to new machine.

To restore QB from existing database backup. Please run "<QB install dir>/bin/restore.sh /path/to/backup.zip".

rani dharne [04/Jan/24 02:01 PM]
Hi Robin,

We are thinking of creating a new empty database and start the service and then restore the last 7 days backup.
we already do backup daily on quickbuild server.
will this way will be fine to perform or how this can be performed. will it restore everything from previous QB from database.

Robin Shen [04/Jan/24 01:05 AM]
Please restart QB server, and take backup from QB menu "Administration / Database Backup". While backing up the current web UI will be blocked until backup finishes. During this period, you may login to QB server machine, and check "logs/console.log" to see what stage the backup is currently on? A typical backup message is something like this:

Exporting table 'Build'...

If still no progress, you may schedule an online session and I will join. I am normally available from 9:00AM to 10:00PM at timezone of GMT+8.

rani dharne [03/Jan/24 09:28 AM]
Hi Robin,

The servers logs are nit getting created while backing up the data and if it is gets created nothing is populating in logs.
If possible we can connect on screen share.

Robin Shen [20/Dec/23 11:26 AM]
Please check the server log to see where it is stucking at.