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[QB-3906] Loop all applicable cloud profiles to launch on-demand node
Created: 05/Dec/22  Updated: 21/Jan/23

Status: Resolved
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 12.0.21
Fix Version/s: 12.0.23, 13.0.2

Type: Improvement Priority: Major
Reporter: Artur Jezionek Assigned To: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown
Environment: os.arch amd64
os.name Linux
os.version 5.15.0-1020-azure
Azure Plugin

When there are 2 or more Cloud Profiles with the same Profile Attributes only 1 will create resources.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a Cloud Profile with set of Profile Attributes and "Max Nodes to Launch" parameter set.
2. Create second Cloud Profile using "Copy this Cloud Profile" button.
3. Wait for Test Launch for both profiles to successed.
4. Submit number of builds that will exceed the "Max Nodes to Launch" of a single Profile.
    Only 1 profile should create machines for execution.

Comment by Robin Shen [ 05/Dec/22 01:43 PM ]
This is expected behavior, as only the first matching cloud profile will be effective for a certain build.
Comment by Artur Jezionek [ 05/Dec/22 01:54 PM ]
Unfortunate this behavior complicates scenarios where there is need to split Cloud Profile into separete ones but have attribute settings intact for example: having a static\long live machine pool and a short\dynamic one. Also rolling updates scenarios are getting more complicated.
Is it possible to change this behavior to one that takes into account all existing matching profiles and creates new resources if possible?
Comment by Robin Shen [ 05/Dec/22 01:59 PM ]
Will try to get this implemented in our next big release QB13 which will be available two or three months later.
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