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Key: QB-3787
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Unassigned
Reporter: Steve Luo
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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after upgrade w11, build agent occurred error

Created: 07/Oct/21 04:37 AM   Updated: 11/Oct/21 09:10 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 11.0.18, 10.0.35

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
After updated W11, Build Agent occurred error as below.
Could you please send me how to fix this error?

jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:22,633 INFO Constructing report category for plugin: Boost Test Integration (10.0.0)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp:
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Encountered an error running start main: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.Bootstrap.boot(Bootstrap.java:614)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:128)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperStartStopApp.run(WrapperStartStopApp.java:429)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.BootstrapUtils.wrapAsUnchecked(BootstrapUtils.java:56)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.equinoxadapter.EquinoxAdapter.startup(EquinoxAdapter.java:61)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 12 more
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.equinoxadapter.EquinoxAdapter.startup(EquinoxAdapter.java:59)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 12 more
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unmapped relationship: 7
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT$SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION_EX.fromPointer(WinNT.java:2999)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util.getLogicalProcessorInformationEx(Kernel32Util.java:715)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at oshi.hardware.platform.windows.WindowsCentralProcessor.getLogicalProcessorInformationEx(WindowsCentralProcessor.java:282)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at oshi.hardware.platform.windows.WindowsCentralProcessor.initProcessorCounts(WindowsCentralProcessor.java:272)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at oshi.hardware.common.AbstractCentralProcessor.<init>(AbstractCentralProcessor.java:67)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at oshi.hardware.platform.windows.WindowsCentralProcessor.<init>(WindowsCentralProcessor.java:225)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at oshi.hardware.platform.windows.WindowsHardwareAbstractionLayer.getProcessor(WindowsHardwareAbstractionLayer.java:69)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.measurement.core.sysinfo.oshi.OshiSystemInfo.getCpuInfoList(OshiSystemInfo.java:138)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.measurement.core.trait.NodeTraits.update(NodeTraits.java:147)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.measurement.core.MeasurementPlugin.start(MeasurementPlugin.java:92)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.pluginsupport.DefaultPluginManager.start(DefaultPluginManager.java:51)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.Quickbuild.startAgent(Quickbuild.java:718)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.Quickbuild.start(Quickbuild.java:296)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 17 more
jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:24,219 INFO Stopping QuickBuild agent...
jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:24,227 INFO Disconnecting from server...
jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:24,228 INFO Waiting for finish of remaining jobs...
jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:24,228 INFO Stopping plugins...
jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:24,229 INFO Stopping task scheduler...
jvm 1 | 2021-10-06 09:49:24,251 INFO QuickBuild agent stopped.
wrapper | <-- Wrapper Stopped

 All   Comments   Work Log   Change History      Sort Order:
Change by Steve Luo [11/Oct/21 09:10 AM]
Fix Version/s 10.0.35 [ 12047 ]

Change by Steve Luo [08/Oct/21 06:03 AM]
Fix Version/s 11.0.18 [ 12046 ]

Change by Steve Luo [08/Oct/21 06:03 AM]
Field Original Value New Value
Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
Assignee Steve Luo [ steve ]
Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]