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Key: QB-3555
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Robin Shen
Votes: 2
Watchers: 0

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An option in CKEditor to edit plain content instead of disable html editor for whole site

Created: 24/Apr/20 12:16 AM   Updated: 20/Feb/21 02:50 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 10.0.10
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
File Attachments: None
Image Attachments:

1. builds_list.jpg
(130 kb)

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Jonasz Wojcik [24/Apr/20 09:14 AM]
That will help a lot with the dashboard gadgets

exp: in CKEEditor ${util.getCalendar().getShortYear()} is not translate to 20.
it was useful for adding custom build list based on system.getBuildManager()

Jonasz Wojcik [24/Apr/20 11:10 AM]
groovy code example:

<pre><br>&dollar;&lcub;groovy:<br><br>configuration_id = 2;<br>number_of_builds = 10;<br>qb_link = &#x27;http://quickbuild.domain.com&#x27;;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;configuration_path = system.getConfigurationManager().get(configuration_id).getPathName()<br>if (system.getConfiguration(configuration_path) != null) &lcub;<br> def build_list = &#x27;&lt;div class=&quot;round-box build-history&quot;&gt;&lt;table class=&quot;records builds&quot;&gt;&lt;thead&gt;&lt;tr class=&quot;headers&quot;&gt;&#x27;<br> <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;th class=&quot;id&quot;&gt;&lt;span&gt;Id&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&#x27;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;th&gt;&lt;span&gt;Version&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&#x27;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;th&gt;&lt;span&gt;Configuration&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&#x27;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;th&gt;&lt;span&gt;Begin Date&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&#x27;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;th class=&quot;id&quot;&gt;&lt;span&gt;Duration&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&#x27;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;th&gt;&lt;span&gt;Triggered By&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&#x27;<br> <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/thead&gt;&lt;tbody&gt;&#x27;<br> def prev_build = system.getConfiguration(configuration_path).getLatestBuild()<br> def triggered_by = &#x27;&#x27;<br> def image = &#x27;&#x27;<br> def status_class = &#x27;&#x27;<br> def duration = &#x27;&#x27;<br> def i = 0<br> while(i&lt;number_of_builds)&lcub;<br> if(prev_build == null) &lcub;break;\&rcub;<br> if( i % 2) &lcub;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;tr class=&quot;odd&quot;&gt;&#x27; \&rcub;<br> else &lcub; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;tr class=&quot;even&quot;&gt;&#x27; <br> \&rcub;<br> if(prev_build.isScheduled())&lcub;<br> triggered_by = &#x27;&lt;b&gt;Scheduler&lt;/b&gt;&#x27; \&rcub; <br> else&lcub;<br> triggered_by = prev_build.getRequester().getDisplayName() <br> \&rcub; <br> if(prev_build.isRunning())&lcub; <br> duration = &#x27;&lt;b&gt;running...&lt;/b&gt;&#x27;<br> image = &#x27;spin-ball&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;running&#x27; \&rcub; <br> else&lcub; <br> duration = util.formatDuration(prev_build.getDuration()) <br> switch (prev_build.getStatus()) &lcub; <br> case &#x27;SUCCESSFUL&#x27;: <br> image = &#x27;green-ball&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;successful&#x27;<br> break <br> case &#x27;FAILED&#x27;: <br> image = &#x27;red-ball&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;failed&#x27;<br> break<br> case &#x27;RECOMMENDED&#x27;:<br> image = &#x27;star&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;recommended&#x27;<br> break <br> case &#x27;CANCELLED&#x27;:<br> image = &#x27;cancelled&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;cancelled&#x27;<br> break<br> case &#x27;TIMEOUT&#x27;:<br> image = &#x27;timeout&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;timeout&#x27;<br> break<br> default: <br> result = &#x27;green-ball&#x27;<br> status_class = &#x27;successful&#x27; <br> \&rcub; <br> \&rcub; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;td class=&quot;id&quot;&gt;&lt;span&gt;&#x27; + prev_build.getId() + &#x27;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&#x27; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;td&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;build-info&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;&#x27; + qb_link + &#x27;/images/&#x27; + image + &#x27;.gif&quot;&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href=&quot;&#x27; + qb_link + &#x27;/build/&#x27; + prev_build.getId() + &#x27;&quot; target=&quot;new&quot; class=&quot;build-status &#x27; + status_class + &#x27; maskable&quot;&gt;&#x27; + prev_build.getVersion() +&#x27;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&#x27; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;td&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&#x27; + qb_link + &#x27;/&#x27; + configuration_id + &#x27;&quot; target=&quot;new&quot;&gt;&#x27; + configuration_path + &#x27;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&#x27; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;td class=&quot;id&quot;&gt;&lt;span&gt;&#x27; + util.formatDate(prev_build.getBeginDate()) + &#x27;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&#x27; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;td&gt;&lt;span&gt;&#x27; + duration +&#x27;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&#x27;<br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;td&gt;&lt;span&gt;&#x27; + triggered_by + &#x27;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&#x27; <br> <br> prev_build = system.getBuildManager().getPrevious(prev_build) <br> i = i+1 <br> \&rcub; <br> build_list += &#x27;&lt;/tbody&gt;&lt;/table&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&#x27; <br> <br> build_list <br>\&rcub;<br>&rcub;<br></pre>

Jonasz Wojcik [24/Apr/20 11:11 AM]

configuration_id = 2;
number_of_builds = 10;
qb_link = 'http://quickbuild.comain.com';

configuration_path = system.getConfigurationManager().get(configuration_id).getPathName()
if (system.getConfiguration(configuration_path) != null) {
  def build_list = '<div class="round-box build-history"><table class="records builds"><thead><tr class="headers">'
  build_list += '<th class="id"><span>Id</span></th>'
  build_list += '<th><span>Version</span></th>'
  build_list += '<th><span>Configuration</span></th>'
  build_list += '<th><span>Begin Date</span></th>'
  build_list += '<th class="id"><span>Duration</span></th>'
  build_list += '<th><span>Triggered By</span></th>'
  build_list += '</tr></thead><tbody>'
  def prev_build = system.getConfiguration(configuration_path).getLatestBuild()
  def triggered_by = ''
  def image = ''
  def status_class = ''
  def duration = ''
  def i = 0
   if(prev_build == null) {break;\}
   if( i % 2) {
    build_list += '<tr class="odd">' \}
   else {
    build_list += '<tr class="even">'
    triggered_by = '<b>Scheduler</b>' \}
    triggered_by = prev_build.getRequester().getDisplayName()
    duration = '<b>running...</b>'
    image = 'spin-ball'
    status_class = 'running' \}
    duration = util.formatDuration(prev_build.getDuration())
    switch (prev_build.getStatus()) {
     case 'SUCCESSFUL':
      image = 'green-ball'
      status_class = 'successful'
     case 'FAILED':
      image = 'red-ball'
      status_class = 'failed'
     case 'RECOMMENDED':
      image = 'star'
      status_class = 'recommended'
     case 'CANCELLED':
      image = 'cancelled'
      status_class = 'cancelled'
     case 'TIMEOUT':
      image = 'timeout'
      status_class = 'timeout'
      result = 'green-ball'
      status_class = 'successful'
   build_list += '<td class="id"><span>' + prev_build.getId() + '</span></td>'
   build_list += '<td><span><div class="build-info"><img src="' + qb_link + '/images/' + image + '.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' + qb_link + '/build/' + prev_build.getId() + '" target="new" class="build-status ' + status_class + ' maskable">' + prev_build.getVersion() +'</a></div></span></td>'
   build_list += '<td><span><a href="' + qb_link + '/' + configuration_id + '" target="new">' + configuration_path + '</a></span></td>'
   build_list += '<td class="id"><span>' + util.formatDate(prev_build.getBeginDate()) + '</span></td>'
   build_list += '<td><span>' + duration +'</span></td>'
   build_list += '<td><span>' + triggered_by + '</span></td></tr>'
   prev_build = system.getBuildManager().getPrevious(prev_build)
   i = i+1
   build_list += '</tbody></table></div>'

Jonasz Wojcik [24/Apr/20 11:21 AM]
this is how it looks like

Robin Shen [20/Feb/21 02:50 AM]
Starting from QB 10.0.13, this can be done by editing source in source mode of CKEditor, then save the content without switching back to html mode. Next time when the content is edited, QB will open plain text editor if it detects scripts inside it.