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Key: QB-3455
Type: Task Task
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Won't Fix
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Yoongeon Lee
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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[Urgent] We're looking for how to make users see the build results of sub nodes in the parent node at a glance

Created: 13/Oct/19 01:47 PM   Updated: 09/Mar/20 10:37 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 9.0.22
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
File Attachments: None
Image Attachments:

1. click_Verification_Node_in_Treeview.png
(14 kb)

2. click_Verification_Node_in_Treeview1.png
(121 kb)

3. view_result_0.png
(31 kb)

4. view_result_1.png
(83 kb)

 Description  « Hide

We recently upgraded qbuild to 9.0.22, and we're looking for how to make users see the test results of sub nodes in the parent node at a glance

First of all, please look at the screenshot( view_result_0.png ). The Verification node has 12 subnodes as you can see.
We would like to change the column so that user can see 12 build results under the Verification node at a glance. How can I do that? Can I put the results instead of 'No Builds"?
Is there any idea for the challenge?

Second, please look at the two screenshots ( click_Verification_Node_in_Treeview.png.png, click_Verification_Node_in_Treeview1.png ).
I would like to show the build results of the sub nodes of Verification node when user click on the Verification Node in Tree viewer. How can I add the results to Summary?

W're not sure what to do. Please find proper solution.

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Change by Robin Shen [09/Mar/20 10:37 AM]
Status Open [ 1 ] Closed [ 6 ]
Resolution Won't Fix [ 2 ]

Robin Shen [13/Oct/19 11:24 PM]
You may consider making the verification node depending on all its child nodes (via QuickBuild repository) to retrieve necessary test result files, and then add a step to publish those files.

Change by Yoongeon Lee [13/Oct/19 01:48 PM]
Attachment click_Verification_Node_in_Treeview1.png [ 10813 ]

Change by Yoongeon Lee [13/Oct/19 01:48 PM]
Attachment click_Verification_Node_in_Treeview.png [ 10812 ]

Change by Yoongeon Lee [13/Oct/19 01:47 PM]
Attachment view_result_0.png [ 10811 ]

Change by Yoongeon Lee [13/Oct/19 01:47 PM]
Field Original Value New Value
Attachment view_result_1.png [ 10810 ]