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Key: QB-3304
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Priority: Critical Critical
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: J. Mash
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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Perforce Repository - Failure to Submit Shelved Changelist Leaves Files Open in Workspace

Created: 05/Dec/18 08:55 AM   Updated: 15/Jan/19 08:20 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
This is a request to add one of the following:

  1. Add logic to automatically revert unshelved files if the auto-submit fails for any reason; or
  2. Add optional settings in the Perforce Repository configuration to enable the above behavior; or
  3. Add optional settings int he Perforce Repository configuration to explicitly "revert before doing anything"

We just ran into a case where a build failed to submit unshelved files to the depot and left both the Perforce and QuickBuild workspaces in a compromised state causing some issues that didn't manifest itself until much further down the pipeline.

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Robin Shen [10/Dec/18 11:12 PM]
Which QB version are you using? On my side, I tried to submit another user's shelved change, and the build is successful, however the configuration has an error complaining that "Change 128 belongs to user robin", and the unshelved change has been reverted by QB at end of the build according to build log. Also make sure to use the option "revert after build" instead of "revert after build is successful".

J. Mash [10/Dec/18 05:31 PM]
Debug logging is enabled by default for our builds (otherwise we don't get a list of files / revisions sync'd), and I'm not seeing that entry in our logs -- Furthermore, the files that were unshelved during the build remained open after the build, which pretty much trumps the logs in any case.

Would this behavior occur if the Perforce user being used to unshelve the files during the build is not the owner of the shelved changelist (because I do see a message saying the submit failed because the user trying to submit the shelved changelist is not the owner of said changelist)?

Robin Shen [07/Dec/18 10:58 PM]
The revert logic will apply even if submitting is failed. Please enable debug logging for the configuration via general setting page, and reproduce the issue again, then please check the build log to see if it contains below message:

revert -w //...

J. Mash [07/Dec/18 04:42 PM]
This option is enabled in our configurations, but it does not alter the behavior in the event submitting the shelved changelist fails when auto-submit is enabled.

Robin Shen [05/Dec/18 11:39 PM]
There is an revert option to revert files after build when define shelve support. Have you tried that?