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Key: QB-3285
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Steve Luo
Reporter: Yoongeon Lee
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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If we set SSH URL in Fetch URL, the error occurs in the step "Repository > Checkout"

Created: 01/Nov/18 11:38 AM   Updated: 22/Dec/20 02:57 PM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 8.0.8
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
File Attachments: None
Image Attachments:

1. Fetch URL - Repo Configuration.png
(80 kb)

2. Fetch URL error.png
(62 kb)

3. Git Repository - SSH URL.png
(49 kb)
Environment: Windows 10 enterprise x64

 Description  « Hide
We are using SSH URL with Git Repository.
For using Pull requests function of Github, I added new GitHub Repository and set Fetch URL as SSH URL.
However, it's not working properly in Build Agent.

Error message)
2018-11-01 05:28:00 - Error executing checkout build finish job.
caused by: Fetch url should be start with protocol http or https

Please refer to screenshots attached

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Robin Shen [01/Nov/18 11:35 PM]
QB only works with https protocol right now.

Yoongeon Lee [02/Nov/18 01:28 AM]
No, SSH is working fine in Git repository. We have used SSH with more than 10 repositories in QBuild. It seems this is only a problem with Github repository
Why do you think QB only works with https? Why does not QB support SSH key?
As far as I know, a lot of git servers authenticate using SSH public keys. QB should supports SSH URL.

Robin Shen [02/Nov/18 11:43 PM]
Sorry by mentioning "works only with https", I am referring GitHub. Will investigate to see if we can improve this in future releases.