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Key: QB-2745
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Won't Fix
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Benoit Maury-Bouet
Votes: 0
Watchers: 1

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Conflicting shelve display on Proof build

Created: 21/Jun/16 09:52 AM   Updated: 22/Jun/16 11:02 PM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 6.1.17
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
When a user asks for a proof build with a specific shelve,
QB returns an error quoting the list of all the user's shelve on the server( and not only the one he used for proof build)

Currently what happens :
11:41:15,791 DEBUG - XXXX.cpp - merging XXXX.cpp@=34807
11:41:15,791 DEBUG - Diff chunks: 0 yours + 0 theirs + 0 both + 1 conflicting
11:41:15,791 WARN - XXXXX.cpp - resolve skipped.
11:41:15,791 DEBUG - YYYYY.h - merging YYYYY.h@=34807
11:41:15,791 DEBUG - Diff chunks: 3 yours + 0 theirs + 1 both + 1 conflicting
11:41:15,791 WARN - YYYYY - resolve skipped.
11:41:15,791 DEBUG - ZZZZZ.cpp - merging ZZZZZ.cpp@=34807
11:41:15,791 DEBUG - Diff chunks: 16 yours + 2 theirs + 0 both + 2 conflicting
11:41:15,791 WARN - ZZZZZ.cpp - resolve skipped.

Conflicts found while unshelving changes '34833,34885,4285,34103,34807,11440,2064,29141' from user 'user'. Please resolve and re-shelve.

Expected result :
Conflicts found while unshelving changes '34807' from user 'user'. Please resolve and re-shelve.

And even it would be great to have something more like :
Conflicts found in @34807 for files :

THanks !

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Benoit Maury-Bouet [22/Jun/16 05:54 AM]
Hi Robin,
You're right indeed, there was an issue in the script reading the shelve number had an issue and it ended up with getting all the shelves of the user

Robin Shen [22/Jun/16 12:42 AM]
Have you specified the shelved changes to build against? If not specified, QB will build against all shelved changes of the user.