Hi Ameet,
Yes, there is no way to access the info. Please file an improvement to our issue tracker. We'll change to allow add multiple comment transformer.
Best regards
On Feb 23, 2016, at 8:54 AM, Robin Shine <
robin@pmease.com> wrote:
There is no way to access that info right now I guess.
Any possibility to make $1, $2, ... as properties of some object so that the groovy script can access it?
From: "Shah, Ameet" <
To: "Robin Shine (
robin@pmease.com)" <
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:23 AM
Subject: Question on Comments Transformer
Hi Robin,
This is our current value for comments transformer:
Search Pattern : ([\[,]*\s*)([aA][rR][tT][fF])(\d{4,})(\s*[\],]+)
Replace Pattern : <a href='
http://pimcocm/sf/go/artf$3' target='_blank'><b><u><font color='blue'>$1$2$3$4</font></u></b></a>
As we now can have JIRA as well as Teamforge artifacts, was thinking of updating Search Pattern to:
Search Pattern : ([\[,]*\s*)(artf\d{4,}|[A-Z]+-\d+)(\s*[\],]+)
However, replace pattern would now need to be a groovy script as if $2.contains("artf") then need to use replace pattern for teamforge, else will need to use replace pattern for JIRA. Issue is, I cant seem to make use of $1,$2 or $3 in groovy script.
How can I access the matched results from the regex above to check $2 value and then proceed and use $1, $2 and $3.
Thank you,
Ameet Shah