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[QB-2403] Running a second promotion of a build causes the svn checkout to become confused
Created: 10/Apr/15  Updated: 13/Jun/15

Status: Open
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 6.0.7
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Beirti Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown

This seems to happen if there is a previous build in the history. I can't figure out how to stop the error except by deleting the previous successful build.

The checked out directory structure does not contain a 'trunk' folder so I'm confused as to why it's trying to update it. I can manually run 'svn up' on that location without error.

13:18:53,430 INFO - Executing pre-execute action...
13:18:53,993 INFO - Getting changes of 'Orion SVN Repo' since build 'RC5_marketdata-writer_10.0.0-SNAPSHOT_193308'...
13:18:56,506 WARN - svn: E160013: '/svn/repos/EH_Rates_RAD/!svn/bc/104306/Orion/PromoteBuildToOSSScan/trunk' path not found
13:18:56,514 INFO - Executing post-execute action...
13:18:56,514 ERROR - Step 'master' is failed: Failed to run command: svn log http://subversion.ny.jpmorgan.com/svn/repos/EH_Rates_RAD/Orion/PromoteBuildToOSSScan/trunk/ --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -v --xml -r 104299:104299
Command return code: 1
Command error output: svn: E160013: '/svn/repos/EH_Rates_RAD/!svn/bc/104306/Orion/PromoteBuildToOSSScan/trunk' path not found

Comment by Beirti [ 10/Apr/15 10:21 AM ]
Switching off 'record svn changes' in the advanced settings seems to have resolved this, but I don't understand why it happens at all
Comment by Robin Shen [ 11/Apr/15 01:18 AM ]
This works fine at my side, with or without the record changes step. Here is what I've done:
1. define a svn repository at root level
2. define configuration "root/QA", with a checkout step
3. define configuration "root/Release", with a record changes step
4. define a promotion named "Release" in "root/QA" pointing to "root/Release"
5. run "root/QA" to generate a build
6. promote QA build above to release without any issues.
7. now release has a successful build, promote QA build again to release still does not exhibit any issues.

Can you please show me your detailed setup so that I can verified at my side?
Comment by Beirti [ 12/Jun/15 02:45 PM ]
I got this again today. I think what happens is:

- Create a new promotion which takes input artifacts from another build and also checks something out from subversion
- Have the promotion build fail
- Re run the promotion

Because the initial build failed, it complains when it tries to run the second promotion and get the changes from the previous build. If I delete the build history, this fixes it.
Comment by Robin Shen [ 13/Jun/15 12:27 AM ]
Still can not get this reproduced. It will be of great help if you can find out the detailed reproducing steps.
Generated at Sat Jun 01 03:06:26 UTC 2024 using JIRA 189.