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[QB-2390] Separate schedule definition and enable/disable flag so that they can be inherited independently
Created: 28/Mar/15  Updated: 28/Mar/15

Status: Open
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 6.0.10
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Priority: Major
Reporter: Robin Shen Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 1
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown

From user,

The difference between 'enabled' and 'paused' (in my mind) is whether a job is *normally* running but paused *right now*, or whether it should *never* run. It's like having a sign on the road that says 'bridge out, take detour', or one that says 'pedestrian traffic only'.

Currently, the 'Schedule' option allows for 'No Schedule', 'Cron Shedule', or 'Periodical Schedule'.

  Only if you select one of the latter, it allows you to define the parameters of the schedule (repeat interval, random range).

  However, if you select one of the latter, the schedule always shows up in the Schedule column on the build tree or the build page, even if you only selected it for inheritance purposes.

I would like the ability to define the Expression, Repeat Interval, and/or Random Range for the schedule, independently of the schedule option itself, for inheritance purposes.

  This is primarily to un-clutter the build tree 'Schedule' column, but it should improve performance as well since you don't have to print schedule information for never-running configs!
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