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[QB-2365] Error using the Lua Busted report
Created: 12/Mar/15  Updated: 13/Mar/15

Status: Closed
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 6.0.9
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: John Szakmeister Assigned To: Steve Luo
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown
Environment: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I tried using the Lua Busted report, but ended up with the following traceback:

2015-03-12 17:06:00,581 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.contribution.publisher.StatisticsReportPublisher - Finished collecting statistics data for report 'Busted Report' [configuration: 10, build: 86]
2015-03-12 17:06:00,601 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR com.pmease.quickbuild.DefaultBuildEngine - Error processing build request.
    com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.exception.DatabaseException: Saving report 'Busted Report:stats' failed!
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.metadata.CategoryDb.saveReport(CategoryDb.java:226)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.metadata.ReportCategory.saveReport(ReportCategory.java:373)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.generator.DefaultGenerator.saveDestReport(DefaultGenerator.java:81)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.generator.DefaultGenerator.afterExecute(DefaultGenerator.java:55)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.generator.GenerateAction.execute(GenerateAction.java:43)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.generator.DefaultGenerator.generate(DefaultGenerator.java:37)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.contribution.publisher.StatisticsReportPublisher.doPublish(StatisticsReportPublisher.java:133)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.contribution.publisher.StatisticsReportPublisher.collectStatistics(StatisticsReportPublisher.java:111)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.DefaultBuildEngine.process(DefaultBuildEngine.java:410)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.DefaultBuildEngine.access$000(DefaultBuildEngine.java:139)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.DefaultBuildEngine$2.run(DefaultBuildEngine.java:1102)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1146)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:701)
    Caused by: com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.exception.DatabaseException: Failed executing update sql [UPDATE stats SET buildid= ?, duration= ?, tests= ?, errors= ?, failures= ?, skips= ?, added= ?, newfailed= ?, notfixed= ?, fixed= ?, successes= ?, success_rate= ? WHERE ID = ?] on database /var/qb-storage/configurations/10/reports/busted/functionaltests-busted/busted.h2.db
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.datastore.DbStore.update(DbStore.java:203)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.datastore.DbStore.update(DbStore.java:209)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.metadata.CategoryDb.updateRow(CategoryDb.java:179)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.metadata.CategoryDb.persistRow(CategoryDb.java:206)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.metadata.CategoryDb.saveReport(CategoryDb.java:223)
        ... 13 more
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Column "ERRORS" not found; SQL statement:
    UPDATE stats SET buildid= ?, duration= ?, tests= ?, errors= ?, failures= ?, skips= ?, added= ?, newfailed= ?, notfixed= ?, fixed= ?, successes= ?, success_rate= ? WHERE ID = ? [42122-175] Query: UPDATE stats SET buildid= ?, duration= ?, tests= ?, errors= ?, failures= ?, skips= ?, added= ?, newfailed= ?, notfixed= ?, fixed= ?, successes= ?, success_rate= ? WHERE ID = ? Parameters: [86, 4785174, 1364, 0, 0, 0, 1364, 0, 0, 0, 1364, 1.0, 13]
        at org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner.rethrow(QueryRunner.java:542)
        at org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner.update(QueryRunner.java:599)
        at com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.report.engine.datastore.DbStore.update(DbStore.java:201)
        ... 17 more

I'm not sure how to fix this, but it seems like an invalid column is being referenced somehow.

Comment by Steve Luo [ 13/Mar/15 05:04 AM ]
I can't reproduce this issue. Is this the first time your run this configuration? Is it possible that the configuration directory below is already exist before:

Please delete this directory and run again to see whether this issue still exists.
Comment by John Szakmeister [ 13/Mar/15 06:46 AM ]
Yes. I had written my own plugin to parse the busted report. I deactivated and switched over to yours, but I guess we collided because we both called the test category "busted". I guess there's supposed to be a 1 to 1 mapping between the test category name and the classes that operate on it? Is there anywhere else this name gets used? If not, I'll be sure to scope it on my end so I don't collide again in future plugins.

Comment by John Szakmeister [ 13/Mar/15 06:47 AM ]
Sorry, I meant to say that removing the folder allowed it to proceed.
Comment by Steve Luo [ 13/Mar/15 10:46 AM ]
We usually named our report category after its plugin name, such as, JUnit plugin named junit, Busted report named busted, Findbags report named findbags, etc.

So, this is not our plugin's bug, I will close this issue.
Comment by John Szakmeister [ 13/Mar/15 10:48 AM ]
Does that name show up in the UI anywhere?
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