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Key: QB-2345
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Don Ross
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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when base on a variable, polling schedule displays as variable name on dashboard

Created: 26/Feb/15 03:46 PM   Updated: 25/Mar/15 11:39 PM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 6.0.7
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
I have set my schedule to a variable 'sysPollingInterval' so that I can easily change it without having to edit all of my dozens of configurations.
(I cannot set it as inherited as this would prevent me from pausing individual jobs.)

When I look at the job details the schedule shows as 'Every 10 minutes'; however, on the dashboard it shows as 'Every ${vars.getValue("sysPollingInterval")} seconds'
I think it should show the number on the dashboard.

Perhaps a better long-term solution would be to allow the polling interval and random range to be inherited, but the actual enabled-ness of the schedule (and therefore the pause ability) to be per-job.

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Robin Shen [25/Mar/15 11:39 PM]
As to not resolving variable value when displaying schedule on dashboard, that is mostly due to performance reason: to evaluate the expression, QB has to traverse all the configuration tree up to root to check the effective variable (and other info), and this needs to be done for every configuration displayed in the dashboard (although two configurations inherit the same schedule expression, the expression evaluation result may still be different). And this ends up with a N*N object lookup (not only variables, as QB does not know which objects the expression is actually using). Another reason is that to make the dashboard performing better, we are using a cached copy of configurations with all objects (variables, steps, repositories, etc) trimmed to make such task difficult to solve.