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Key: QB-2274
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: ChangSeop LEE
Votes: 3
Watchers: 3

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High availability on long running builds

Created: 02/Jan/15 07:24 AM   Updated: 02/Aug/21 09:32 PM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
Storing information of not yet started builds and start them after master restarting is a great feature.
And I would like to request one more feature in case of master restarting.

Each steps are passed to a buildagent and execution result will be passed to master normally.
But if master is down while the buildagent trying to sent step execution result, the build will be failed.
And it will waste huge time if a build usually take long time and the master suddenly failed.

So it will be great buildagent keep trying to send step execution result to master if master is down and master restores the build if a step execution result is reported from buildagent.

Please check below link from jenkins for more information.

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Klaus Youm [29/Mar/18 02:30 PM]
Dear Robin,

This feature is so needed for my team that uses commercial license of QuickBuild now. Could you consider this improvement seriously, please?


Change by Robin Shen [29/Mar/18 11:08 PM]
Field Original Value New Value
Comment [ QB8
1. Not running builds will be picked up when QB server is shutdown gracefully (for upgrade or maintenance etc)
2. The disconnect tolerance setting of a step tells the agent how long to tolerate in case there is a network loss to QB server. ]

Change by Robin Shen [29/Mar/18 11:08 PM]
Comment [ QB8 is able to solve this issue partially with above two features ]

Robin Shen [29/Mar/18 11:55 PM]
Will get this solved in next big QB release, that is, to re-run the current interrupted step upon server restart.

ChangSeop LEE [30/Mar/18 01:57 AM]
I really appreciate your decision about support this feature :-)
It will take some time to release next version because QB 8 is just released but I'm looking forward next release :-)

Klaus Youm [30/Mar/18 02:22 AM]
Wow, What a GREAT answer from you, Robin!!!! Thank you so much too. As Mr. Lee mentioned, if this feature will be supported, I think QB can support non-stopped build service.
I wonder when you plan your next big QB release. Major upgrade or QB 8.x version. If possible, I hope this feature is included at QB 8.x. version.

Robin Shen [30/Mar/18 10:04 PM]
QB releases big release per year, and the next big release is planned in the end of 2018.

Klaus Youm [29/Nov/18 12:09 PM]
Dear Robin,

I am totally looking forward to hearing QB new major version as like 9.0. And hopefully, this improvement is included in QB 9.0 version.
Could you tell me when is the release date of QB 9.0?


Robin Shen [30/Nov/18 12:00 AM]
Have to postpone it to around the end of Feb, 2019.

Thrasys Admin [02/Aug/21 04:51 PM]
Any updates on this feature. We have builds that run for 12 hrs so restarting server at 11th hour causes 11hrs of time wasted if server goes down
or we have to upgrade or restart server. It would be nice if build agent kept running and connected back up to server once it was restarted.

Robin Shen [02/Aug/21 09:32 PM]
We investigated and it is difficult to implement under QB's current architecture, as information about running build steps and variables are maintained in memory of server. Restarting server will lost the context about running builds. Writing context to disk or database continuously may also hurt the performance.