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[QB-2155] Create a 'Trigger Promotion' step
Created: 19/Aug/14  Updated: 19/Aug/14

Status: Open
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 5.1.32
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Improvement Priority: Major
Reporter: Beirti Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown

Currently, you can trigger another build, but not a promotion without some custom groovy and restrictions outlined below:

UI should allow specifying:
- Source configuration
- Whether to use last successful, last build, or build id calculated by script
- Promotion to trigger
- Variables to pass to promotion step

Node selection must be 'server'.

import com.pmease.quickbuild.*
import com.pmease.quickbuild.persistence.*

def conf = system.getConfiguration(confName);
logger.info ('Configuration: ' + conf);
def latestSuccessful = conf.getLatestSuccessfulBuild();
logger.info ('Latest Successful Build: ' + latestSuccessful );

def promotionDef = conf.findPromotion('NAME_OF_PROMOTION');
promotionDef = ScriptEngine.instance.installInterpolator(promotionDef);
logger.info ('Promotion: ' + promotionDef);

def variables = [environment:vars.getValue('environment')] // Populate required variables here

try {
  promotionDef.promote(latestSuccessful, variables );
} finally {
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