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Issue Details (XML | Word | Printable)

Key: QB-2084
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Robin Shen
Votes: 3
Watchers: 2

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Failed build gadget improvements

Created: 12/Jun/14 01:18 AM   Updated: 12/Jun/14 01:18 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 5.1.28
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown

 Description  « Hide
The options for this gadget are rather limited,
* It would be nice to have it in a less gimmicky format as the large panels aren't very useful when there are more than a handful of failed builds. Would it be possible to have it in a tabular format similar to other build list pages (e.g. the configuration overview "Recent Builds").
* More information might be useful. You currently have access to configuration path, version number, status (not overly relevant as they are all failed; sometimes it says "TIMEOUT" or potentially others) and a build time indicator. It would be nice to provide some more information, such as that which is provided on the configuration overview "Recent Builds". e.g. Begin Date (a specific value rather than a vague "1 month ago"), Triggered By, etc.
* The builds don't seem to be ordered by configuration name or last build date. They seem like a random jumble. If it was in a tabular format it would be incredibly useful to default order by configuration name by change the ordering to be on "Begin Date".

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