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Issue Details (XML | Word | Printable)

Key: QB-2051
Type: New Feature New Feature
Status: Resolved Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Critical Critical
Assignee: Unassigned
Reporter: hela cherif
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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New JMeter Plugin to publish Jmeter Report

Created: 12/May/14 07:38 AM   Updated: 28/May/14 10:46 AM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 5.1.26, 5.1.27

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
File Attachments: None
Image Attachments:

1. Jmeter_Trend.png
(47 kb)

2. Performance_Report.png
(141 kb)

3. Project JMeter Test.jpg
(17 kb)
Environment: LINUXRH5,LINUXRH5_64

 Description  « Hide

Can you please provide me wih a new Jmeter Plugin to publish Jmeter Reports.


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hela cherif [19/May/14 10:19 AM]

I need to publish Jmeter Reports.
All Jmeter Results are ready , i just want to publish it in QuickBuild.
It is a critical demand.


Robin Shen [19/May/14 10:41 AM]
What type of JMeter report you want to publish? Please attach some screenshots. Or if you can generate the JMeter report in html format, you may publish them with the html report publish step.

Robin Shen [19/May/14 10:42 AM]
Also we can not give an exact estimate for the deliver date as we need to prioritize feature requests based on customer votes and submission date.

hela cherif [20/May/14 10:49 AM]

I need to compare performances between different builds.
I want to have a plugin similar to Performance Plugin of Jenkins.
The fomat of Jmeter Report is XML (octet number, label , latence, Time Stamp..)
