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Created: 09/Dec/13 05:10 PM
Updated: 11/Dec/13 12:23 AM
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Cloud profile pointing to Amazon VPC causes QB to fail with the following message
"The parameter groupName cannot be used with the parameter subnet"
Here is information on which fields are used:
* Description not defined
* Node Launch Setting Launch node into Amazon VPC
* Region ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
* AMI ID ami-11111
* Instance Type t1.micro
* Kernal Id not defined
* Key Name compkey
* VPC Subnet Id subnet-111111
* Security Group Ids secgroup01
* Profile Attributes not defined
* Idle Time to Terminate (min) 30
It works for EC2. Looking forward for some help.
BTW there is a misspelling "Kernal Id"
Cloud profile pointing to Amazon VPC causes QB to fail with the following message
"The parameter groupName cannot be used with the parameter subnet"
Here is information on which fields are used:
* Description not defined
* Node Launch Setting Launch node into Amazon VPC
* Region ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
* AMI ID ami-11111
* Instance Type t1.micro
* Kernal Id not defined
* Key Name compkey
* VPC Subnet Id subnet-111111
* Security Group Ids secgroup01
* Profile Attributes not defined
* Idle Time to Terminate (min) 30
It works for EC2. Looking forward for some help.
BTW there is a misspelling "Kernal Id" |
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