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[QB-1835] Filter on dashboards
Created: 05/Nov/13  Updated: 21/Nov/13

Status: Resolved
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 5.1.0-rc4, 5.1.0

Type: Improvement Priority: Minor
Reporter: Michal Grodzicki Assigned To: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown

I`ve got big dropdown list with many dashboards. (too big list)
I would like to clean this list, or push some of them on the top of the list. (Part of them is shared by other users so I can`t delete them)
I would like to use "My" tab to do this.

1st proposal:
I can set some of dashboards as favorite. In this way favorite dashbords will be on the top of dashbords list on main tab.

I have list of all dashboards which I can choose. I can set checkbox "show on list" (by default it should be set on yes).
The advantage of this solution is, that I can filter dashbords on main tab.

Comment by Robin Shen [ 20/Nov/13 02:08 AM ]
Can now drag/drop dashboard names between favorate/available list when the number exceeds 10.
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