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Key: QB-1777
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Madhu Kumar
Votes: 0
Watchers: 1

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Reset version number in Next Build Version under General Setting

Created: 12/Sep/13 01:01 PM   Updated: 23/Sep/13 12:05 PM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 5.0.27
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
OS :

RHEL 5.x

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Hi Robin,

Is there any option in QB to reset the version number in Next Build Version under General Setting tab.

Could be resetting the last digit of the version or reset the version itself completely .


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Madhu Kumar [23/Sep/13 12:05 PM]
It worked and I was able to reset bugversion.

Thanks Robin.

Robin Shen [20/Sep/13 11:25 PM]
This is already possible by:
1. Define a configuration variable say bugNumber with initial value to be 1.
2. Modify next build version to be:
def bugNumber=vars.get("bugNumber").asInt() + 1;
if (bugNumber > 9999)
  bugNumber = 1;
return bugNumber;

Madhu Kumar [20/Sep/13 12:33 PM]
Hi Robin,

We have specified the next build version in general setting page to something like 1.x.x, and the bug version gets incremented every time build happens and after certain period it reaches to digit something like 1.x.100000, so we need to reset the bug version once it reaches to certain value say like 1.x.1000 (i.e. 4 digit bug version). So I was looking for a option in QB either a groovy script or something like to reset the version once it reaches 4 digit bug version number.

Let me know how can I achieve this.


Robin Shen [20/Sep/13 12:11 AM]
I am not very certain about this requirement, does not QB already have the ability to let you specify next build version to whatever value you like in general setting page?

Madhu Kumar [19/Sep/13 07:22 AM]
Hi Robin,

Any updates on the mentioned issue ?
