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[QB-1721] To know the total size of artifacts published by the given build
Created: 26/Jul/13  Updated: 08/Sep/15

Status: Reopened
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 5.0.29
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Priority: Major
Reporter: Lukasz Guminski Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown

We are experiencing problems because developers from time to time enable very extensive logging (sometimes many GBytes of size) and than publish the log file to main QB server. On the server we can see sudden impact on data storage, but it's hard to identify which configuration is causing the problem.

It would be very helpful to have the total size of published artifacts as an attribute of a build, which could be accessed via REST api.

Comment by Martin [ 07/Sep/15 03:03 PM ]
Why was this issue actually closed as won't fix? I am actually also interested in the size of published artifacts. Using the REST API does not provide the total size of the published artifacts.
Comment by Robin Shen [ 07/Sep/15 10:53 PM ]
Sorry this is a mistake. Reopenning it...
Comment by Martin [ 08/Sep/15 07:30 AM ]
Is there any possibility to get the total size of published artifacts to workaround it? Right now in order to get the total size of a published directory I need to traverse all files with REST and calculate the size by myself. Is there any chance to use some Java/Groovy code to do that?
Comment by Robin Shen [ 08/Sep/15 11:14 PM ]
Right now you may add a custom column, and for the column value write a groovy script something like below:
import groovy.io.FileType

def list = []

def totalSize = 0;
build.artifactsDir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
  totalSize += file.length();
return totalSize;
Generated at Mon Jun 10 20:31:55 UTC 2024 using JIRA 189.