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Key: QB-1715
Type: Bug Bug
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Steve Luo
Reporter: Dan Morgan
Votes: 0
Watchers: 0

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google repo plug-in trying to use a non-existant "-f" option

Created: 22/Jul/13 06:47 PM   Updated: 21/Feb/14 05:42 AM
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Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 5.0.29
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: Linux build agent running Ubuntu 12.04

 Description  « Hide
The google repo plug-in is trying to run the repo command with the "-f" option, however that option doesn't exist.

Is there an updated plug-in i should use?

The version of repo is: "repo launcher version 1.19.1"
The failure message is below

Failed to run command: repo sync -f -j5 --quiet
Command return code: 2
Command error output: ... A new repo command (1.19.2) is available.
... You should upgrade soon:

cp /qb/workspace/ubit/avid/android/build2/.repo/repo/repo /usr/local/bin/repo

Usage: repo sync [<project>...]

main.py: error: no such option: -f

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Change by Robin Shen [23/Jul/13 12:34 AM]
Field Original Value New Value
Assignee Robin Shine [ robinshine ] Steve Luo [ steve ]

Steve Luo [23/Jul/13 04:40 AM]
What is your repo version? You can run command: repo version in your repo directory.
How you install the git-repo? I installed git-repo from below page: http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html and didn't find any problem. So please try follow the instructions on that page to re-install your git-repo to see whether it can work.

Dan Morgan [23/Jul/13 04:08 PM]
Hi Steve,
  The version of repo is: "repo launcher version 1.19.1" and it is installed in /usr/local/bin. This version of repo is modified by my company but there are no significant changes. It is simply modified to have our in house URLs. A diff shows the only changes are to these lines.


I ran the repo command outside of quickbuild and I don't get an error. The command "repo sync -f -j5 --quiet" completes just fine as long as i run it from my user account "dlmorgan". QuickBuild runs as a different user. I suspect some environment setup issue. Any suggestions would help.

Steve Luo [24/Jul/13 04:00 AM]
Yes, the issue is usually caused by the different environment setup. You may try add two command steps, one call command: which repo and one call command which git, so you can compare the paths for repo and git with the paths you can run repo successfully.

Also, you can run the command by logging in with the user you run QuickBuild from terminal directly instead of adding the steps.

Steve Luo [25/Jul/13 04:06 PM]
Hi Dan,

What's the status ? Can I close this issue now?

Dan Morgan [25/Jul/13 04:30 PM]
The repo and git binaries are the same in each enviornment. They are installed to /usr/local/bin/repo and /usr/bin/git

I haven't debuged the issue yet however. Can you leave it open for a week so I have time to try a few more things? Any further suggestions would help too. I'm still a bit stumped by the different results from my cli login vs the qb instance.

Is the /etc/profile.d/qb.sh a typical part of setup? The machine I'm running on is administered by another team so i have to work through them for changes to the server.

Dan Morgan [21/Feb/14 05:16 AM]
I'm ok to close this one now. I'm onto my next project.

Change by Steve Luo [21/Feb/14 05:42 AM]
Status Open [ 1 ] Closed [ 6 ]
Resolution Cannot Reproduce [ 5 ]