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Key: QB-1533
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Robin Shen
Reporter: Michal Muszynski
Votes: 8
Watchers: 0

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Add error detection to Repository -> Checkout step

Created: 29/Jan/13 07:43 AM   Updated: 02/Feb/13 10:50 PM
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 4.0.90
Fix Version/s: None

Original Estimate: Unknown Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Environment: SLES Linux 11 64-bit

 Description  « Hide
Please add error detection to "Repository -> Checkout" step. We observed that checkout from ClearCase sometimes has following errors:

cleartool: Error: Unable to load "FILE_NAME".
cleartool: Error: Errors were encountered in loading "/vobs/VOB_NAME/SCM".

However, step is marked as successful anyway. This causes problems in other steps, such as labeling or compilation.

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