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[QB-1424] Composite sequential step repeat parameters are evaluated too early
Created: 19/Oct/12  Updated: 19/Oct/12

Status: Resolved
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 4.0.68
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Minor
Reporter: Marek Baczynski Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown
Environment: Windows

I have a composite step that needs to do something a couple of times, let's say with a parameter p=A, p=B and p=C. Sometimes during execution of a build, I need to also add p=D dynamically. I store the list in a variable, say 'list_p=A,B,C' and when I need D, I simply set the var to 'list_p=A,B,C,D'. The problem is, the composite step doesn't notice this change. It looks like repeat parameters are evaluated at the start of executing of configuration and not at the latest possible time, ie. when the composite step starts executing.

Comment by Robin Shen [ 19/Oct/12 10:40 PM ]
This is by design, the repeat parameters are evaluated before evaluating step condition since the step condition might need to check if a certain iteration should be skipped. You can work around this by placing the existing repeated step inside another container step and set variable value in that container step instead before executing the repeated step.
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