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[QB-1356] Request for 'define step priority' capability
Created: 29/Aug/12  Updated: 27/Dec/12

Status: Resolved
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 4.0.41
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Improvement Priority: Major
Reporter: Irina Kotlova Assigned To: Robin Shen
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown
Environment: Building for Win32, Win64, MacOSX10.5.sdk-x86_64


We have a product to build for 3 platforms: Win32, Win64, MacOSX10.5.sdk-x86_64; 2 configurations: Release and Debug. 6 builds start simultaneously paralleled on different machines.

Mac build is the fastest;
Win64 is the next one;
Win32 takes the longest time to build.

Checkout step is tricky as it can span very different times: 2-6 minutes on Mac; 13 minutes - 1 hour+ on Windows. The first machines that get involved in the build do checkout fairly quickly. But the latest machines do it unbelievably slow. For instance, in my builds here are the checkout times from today's build:
MacOSX10.5.sdk-x86_64 Release: 5:32
MacOSX10.5.sdk-x86_64 Debug: 6:17
Win32 Release: 29:39
Win32 Debug: 21:52
Win64 Release: 50:23
Win64 Debug: 1:35:33

1 hour 35 minutes checkout time for Win64 Debug is the extremely long time and cannot be accepted. I will need to separate Release and Debug builds so that just 3 builds were run simultaneously.

It would be great if there were a mechanism to control/prioritize (checkout) step and say: 'do Release builds first in this priority: Win32, Win64, Mac; after the step is completed on all Release builds boxes, do Debug builds in the same priority sequence'. That way there would be less collision between builds and more efficiency.

Thank you,

Comment by Robin Shen [ 27/Dec/12 12:34 PM ]
This should be able to be accomplished by limiting concurrent checkout steps with the help of grid resources.
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