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[QB-1105] Repository step will ignore configuration path specification, and instead take a recommended build
Created: 17/Oct/11  Updated: 01/Nov/11

Status: Resolved
Project: QuickBuild
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, 4.0.5
Fix Version/s: 4.0.11

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Tom De Leon Assigned To: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Unknown Time Spent: Unknown
Original Estimate: Unknown
Environment: RedHat Enterprise LInux 5

I had marked a certain build as "Recommended", and then other repositories kept checking out artifacts from that build, completely ignoring the properties set in the "Configuration Path" field. Once I "Un-Recommended" the build, things returned to normal and the repositories behaved as expected.

Comment by Robin Shen [ 18/Oct/11 12:29 AM ]
I tried below:

1. create two configurations: root/conf1, root/conf2
2. create two builds in root/conf1, and mark the first build as recommended
3. create a QuickBuild repository in root/conf2, and set configuration path as "root/conf1", and build as "latest finished build".
4. add a checkout step in root/conf2 to checkout artifacts in above QuickBuild repository
5. run root/conf2 and artifacts of the latest build in root/conf1 will be retrieved which seems correct to me.

Or do you mean something else?
Comment by Tom De Leon [ 31/Oct/11 08:52 PM ]
This behavior did not start until 4.0.x, I'm using the same configuration setup as before 4.x, like the following:

-Product A
   -Component 1
   -Component 2 (Step in this config checks out last successful build of component 1)

-Product B
  -Component 1
  -Component 2 (Step in this config checks out last successful build of component 1)

The two products, A & B, are totally separate and do not depend on each other in any way. In normal circumstances, it works as above, and they check out the last successful of their own product. However, if one is marked as recommended, for example Product A > Component 2, then the step to checkout in Product B > Component 2 will start checking out the published artifacts of Product A > Component 2. The same happens the other way around. It does not seem to happen with builds that were already marked as recommended under 3.x, only new ones that are built and marked under the 4.x version.

So I'm guessing it has something to do with the migration, or my particular database.
Comment by Tom De Leon [ 31/Oct/11 08:54 PM ]
Just to clarify, the step on component 2 should only check out the last successful component 1 of *the same product*. So Product A > Component 2 checks out from Product A > Component 1 (but not Product B > Component 1).
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