You may also read the user attributes from an external file and parse it to construct a Groovy map, then call method node.setUserAttributes(map, true);
Robin Shen[28/Sep/11 03:14 AM]
Sorry this is already possible in QB3.1, to modify an user attribute, please run below script in a step on QB server:
def node = grid.getNode("matrix:8811");
def userAttributes = node.userAttributes;
userAttributes.put("attribute1", "value1");
node.setUserAttributes(userAttributes, true);[/code]
You may also read the user attributes from an external file and parse it to construct a Groovy map, then call method node.setUserAttributes(map, true);
def node = grid.getNode("matrix:8811");
def userAttributes = node.userAttributes;
userAttributes.put("attribute1", "value1");
node.setUserAttributes(userAttributes, true);[/code]
You may also read the user attributes from an external file and parse it to construct a Groovy map, then call method node.setUserAttributes(map, true);