08:27:50,211 INFO - Checking step execute condition... 08:27:50,211 INFO - Step execute condition satisfied, executing... 08:27:50,228 INFO - Executing pre-execute action... 08:27:50,228 INFO - Running step... 08:27:50,228 INFO - Checking out revision '9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5' of repository 'Git-Sherlock'... 08:27:50,228 DEBUG - sync working directory [D:\Sherlock\trunk]... 08:27:50,228 DEBUG - Detect whether repository settings have been changed ... 08:27:50,228 DEBUG - Loading scm rc file ... 08:27:50,228 WARN - Repository RC file D:\Sherlock\trunk\.qbcache\qb-scm.xml doesn't exist! 08:27:50,228 WARN - Repository setting changed: pushurl: null -> git@3dgit.3dsystems.com:3DSprint/3d-sprint.git fetchurl: null -> git@3dgit.3dsystems.com:3DSprint/3d-sprint.git username: null -> leeyoon , deleting working directory D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:27:50,229 DEBUG - Creating git repository to directory [D:\Sherlock\trunk] ... 08:27:50,230 DEBUG - Executing command: git clone --no-checkout git@3dgit.3dsystems.com:3DSprint/3d-sprint.git D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:27:50,230 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:27:51,167 ERROR - Cloning into 'D:\Sherlock\trunk'... 08:28:13,074 DEBUG - Executing command: git remote prune origin 08:28:13,074 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:28:14,524 DEBUG - Executing command: git fetch --all --tags 08:28:14,524 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:28:14,587 DEBUG - Fetching origin 08:28:15,116 DEBUG - Executing command: git fetch origin develop 08:28:15,116 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:28:15,566 ERROR - From 3dgit.3dsystems.com:3DSprint/3d-sprint 08:28:15,566 ERROR - * branch develop -> FETCH_HEAD 08:28:15,598 DEBUG - Saving scm rc file ... 08:28:15,606 DEBUG - Saving scm rc file ... 08:28:15,610 DEBUG - Executing command: git checkout -f 9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5 08:28:15,610 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:29:14,586 WARN - Note: checking out '9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5'. 08:29:14,587 WARN - 08:29:14,587 WARN - You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental 08:29:14,587 WARN - changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this 08:29:14,587 WARN - state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. 08:29:14,587 WARN - 08:29:14,587 WARN - If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may 08:29:14,587 WARN - do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: 08:29:14,587 WARN - 08:29:14,587 WARN - git checkout -b 08:29:14,587 WARN - 08:29:14,587 INFO - HEAD is now at 9ce88fc [Sherlock] branch build options for Proof testing 08:29:14,608 INFO - Getting changes of 'Git-Sherlock' since build ''... 08:29:14,608 DEBUG - Executing command: git log -1 --date=raw --pretty=format:%cd 9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5 08:29:14,608 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:29:14,704 DEBUG - 1524385744 +0900 08:29:14,705 DEBUG - Executing command: git log -1 --date=raw --pretty=format:%cd 9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5 08:29:14,705 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:29:14,760 DEBUG - 1524385744 +0900 08:29:14,761 DEBUG - Executing command: git config --replace-all core.quotepath false 08:29:14,761 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:29:14,823 DEBUG - Executing command: git log --name-status --pretty=raw 9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5..9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5 08:29:14,824 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\Sherlock\trunk 08:29:19,293 INFO - Getting local change... 08:29:19,293 INFO - Checking working head... 08:29:19,293 DEBUG - Executing command: git rev-parse HEAD 08:29:19,293 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,330 DEBUG - Executing command: git config core.quotepath false 08:29:19,330 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,370 INFO - Checking local change sets in working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,370 DEBUG - Executing command: git log --name-status --pretty=raw --reverse origin/develop..34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 08:29:19,370 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,405 INFO - commit 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 08:29:19,405 INFO - tree fcf4eb7f2f02ecab4ccc6b3aa53d906d5a9756b5 08:29:19,405 INFO - parent 9ce88fc643947d976c5cc36853b3f78b7c7dc5d5 08:29:19,405 INFO - author choo 1524399325 +0900 08:29:19,405 INFO - committer choo 1524399325 +0900 08:29:19,405 INFO - 08:29:19,405 INFO - - Renamed 'deleteDocument' operation to 'closeDocument'. 08:29:19,405 INFO - - Added the 'Close Document' under the File menu. (not yet working though.) 08:29:19,405 INFO - 08:29:19,405 INFO - M apps/3dsprint/sherlock/MainWindow.xaml 08:29:19,405 INFO - M apps/3dsprint/sherlock/Resources/Icons.xaml 08:29:19,405 INFO - M apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.Designer.cs 08:29:19,405 INFO - M apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.resx 08:29:19,405 INFO - M private/printframework/include/printinteraction/command/printcommandhelper.h 08:29:19,405 INFO - R077 private/printframework/include/printoperation/deletedocumentoperation.h private/printframework/include/printoperation/closedocumentoperation.h 08:29:19,406 INFO - M private/printframework/source/printinteraction/command/printcommandhelper.cpp 08:29:19,406 INFO - M private/printframework/source/printinteraction/instantiation.cpp 08:29:19,406 INFO - R091 private/printframework/source/printoperation/deletedocumentoperation.cpp private/printframework/source/printoperation/closedocumentoperation.cpp 08:29:19,406 INFO - M private/printframework/source/printoperation/instantiation.cpp 08:29:19,406 INFO - M private/printinterop/source/py34interop/v1.py 08:29:19,416 DEBUG - Executing command: git ls-tree 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 apps/3dsprint/sherlock/MainWindow.xaml 08:29:19,416 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,456 DEBUG - Reading content of path: apps/3dsprint/sherlock/MainWindow.xaml 08:29:19,456 DEBUG - Executing command: git show 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802:apps/3dsprint/sherlock/MainWindow.xaml 08:29:19,456 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,502 DEBUG - Executing command: git ls-tree 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 apps/3dsprint/sherlock/Resources/Icons.xaml 08:29:19,502 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,538 DEBUG - Reading content of path: apps/3dsprint/sherlock/Resources/Icons.xaml 08:29:19,538 DEBUG - Executing command: git show 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802:apps/3dsprint/sherlock/Resources/Icons.xaml 08:29:19,538 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,586 DEBUG - Executing command: git ls-tree 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.Designer.cs 08:29:19,586 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,623 DEBUG - Reading content of path: apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.Designer.cs 08:29:19,624 DEBUG - Executing command: git show 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802:apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.Designer.cs 08:29:19,624 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,700 DEBUG - Executing command: git ls-tree 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.resx 08:29:19,700 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,736 DEBUG - Reading content of path: apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.resx 08:29:19,736 DEBUG - Executing command: git show 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802:apps/3dsprint/sherlockglobalization/Strings.resx 08:29:19,736 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,784 DEBUG - Executing command: git ls-tree 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 private/printframework/include/printinteraction/command/printcommandhelper.h 08:29:19,784 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,823 DEBUG - Reading content of path: private/printframework/include/printinteraction/command/printcommandhelper.h 08:29:19,823 DEBUG - Executing command: git show 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802:private/printframework/include/printinteraction/command/printcommandhelper.h 08:29:19,823 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:19,865 DEBUG - Executing command: git ls-tree 34911c9d8230f690ea4e462386e7694ffbcf9802 "private/printframework/include/printoperation/deletedocumentoperation.h private/printframework/include/printoperation/closedocumentoperation.h" 08:29:19,865 DEBUG - Command working directory: E:\_GitHub\3d-sprint 08:29:17,144 INFO - Executing post-execute action... 08:29:17,144 ERROR - Step 'master>Proof>3D Sprint>Clone a Repository Into Build Server' is failed: Unable to create directory: C:\QBuildAgent\temp\local_change\store\private\printframework\include\printoperation\deletedocumentoperation.h private\printframework\include\printoperation